This is a gorgeous looking game full of great characters, great locations and tons of carnage!

User Rating: 9.1 | Serious Sam II PC
Its this reviewers opinion that Serious Sam 2 has been seriously underrated (excuse the pun!). As with its predecessor, Serious Sam 2 consists of colourful graphics, massive wide open spaces and waves of over the top bad guys.

There is very little story involved in this game but that doesn't matter, its not trying to be Half life 2 or FEAR. SS2 only has one goal and thats to provide old school arcade style blasting of hundreds of mindless enemies. And it works. The locations are interesting and varied, as are the enemies, you won't be able to play this game for long stints at a time but as a quick 30 minute blast to wind down at the end of a long day, its simply perfect.

Technically, the game is extremely impressive, with some of the best graphics I have seen on the PC and all running perfectly smoothly at maximum settings (minus HDR) on my old 9800pro and a resolution of 1024x768.

The sound is good too. Voice acting is terrible of course but that fits well with the cheesy nature of the game. However sound effects are solid and the music is fun and helps create a nice light hearted atmosphere for the game.

There are a couple of bad points though, firstly the FMV cut scenes are appallingly low quality. It really comes to something when your looking at a scene in real time and then it switches to a FMV of the same view and you think "eew". Yes SS2 could have benefited greatly from some real time cutscenes. The only other problem I found was with the third person animations. In vehicles the're fine but anything walking looks very purely animated including Sam himself. This isn't a problem with your enemies though so its not a major issue.

All in all, this is a great fun game which I would recommend to anyone who just likes to forget all the complex story lines and plots now and then and simply go and blast a few bad guys!