Give a man a bullet and he'll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he'll be giving away the bullets.
- cooperative multiplayer
- thoughtless shooter with maximal action which takes example of the Unreal and Quake
- big amount of guns and no they are not the same
- difficulty choice
- switching between first and third person view
- Sam quotes :]
- one-more-level and i will go sleep
- level editor
- community & support
- bosses could be more sophisticated
- game design is little infantile
- over time, the monsters begin to repeat
Single player is only warm-up before multiplayer. I recommend to get this game because of its multiplayer which contains big portion of raw action and fun. Deathmatch mode is good but there are better games with him. I most enjoyed the game in cooperative mode which is really awesome. I never forget moments when me and my friends ran against enemy army with maximum cadence and monsters surrounded us. It was battle for the live and death.