Serious Sam 2. It repetetive. Its shallow. But god is it fun.
Blasting your way through hordes of aliens has never been more enjoyable. Ok, the engine isn't as great, there are a few collision control issues, but the aliens themselves look amazing. Which all adds to the sense of mass carnage as, armed with a trusty shotgun, Sam does some serious damage to a hell of a lot of aliens.
The story line isn’t great. Something about a medallion and going to five planets getting the damn pieces putting it together and saving the universe. But the storyline is not why I, or anyone else, bought the game. No, what you bought the game for is mass alien carnage and this is what the game delivers.
Now I got this game at the same time I got FEAR. I played FEAR for an hour, and then installed Serious Sam 2. I haven't played FEAR since. I've not had the chance. It is just too addictive, running from place to place destroying alien scum with kill counts of 500 and over. You cannot describe the emotions with in you as you blow up wave after wave of men with bombs for head. It’s never been more satisfying to blow up a robot shaped like a football player. And I go back to this game time and time again.
As I said before it is shallow, very shallow, there is little beyond killing aliens, but you don’t care when playing this game. Every now and then you get a cut scene, most of which are fairly funny. Not hilarious but funny none the less.
Now the value is the best bit, you cannot get tired of shooting these damn aliens. And with four difficulty modes ranging from Tourist to Serious the replay value is great for a mere £15 ($20).
So in the words of Sam "We can do this the hard way or my way. They are both practically the same"
By this game!