More of the same endless hordes, wacky guns, and random humor. Nicer graphics on top of it make it playable once more.
Let's say that in a way the sense of scale in Serious Sam 2 has improved a bit but it has pretty annoying enemies and allies as well, and we're no longer in that era where switching back weapons forwards and backwards to kill each type of enemies in a bunch of a whole horde composed with a lot of different enemies is exactly... new. Imagine you have to kill a 100 monsters. And each 20% of them you have to kill with a different weapon depending on your location and distance from them. Doing this the whole game is kinda boring. Also boring is when they throw only a type of enemy at you cause normally this tends to be easy. Sometimes it manages to be fun when you're dealing with the same type of enemies but they're quite lively and don't do the same as all the others of their species which results in having you circling around looking back and shooting them as they come. You know like in old games when you're outnumbered and you've got yourself walking in circles and shooting back till everyone's on your tail is dead. And then there's these really annoying enemies like witches and all sorts of flying annoyances. Or kamikaze clowns. You see this time around it's like they modeled crap at random and then put em some AI and there's an enemy. Most of them don't seem to fit well with others and with the sets themselves. In the first game some of em were in the same sci-fi goofy department (except for those pumpkin headed chainsaw wielding guys), but this time it's like anything goes for you to kill. Or for you to be killed. It used to have more of a sense of style back then. Now it's like you have a zombie stockbroker, robotic spiders, three headed dogs and a orc football player which looks like a Street Shark action figure next to each other. And the coolest enemy imo of the first game, those things with huge mech legs and a brain and a mean fish face who'd shoot laser beams at you are just horrible now. Still there's some cool enemies. What else is new this time around. You've got vehicles which don't make much of a difference like in any other fps game, but still it's pretty cool to ride on a velociraptor which shoots fireballs. Only happens once. Meh.
Some levels have some parts that look kinda misplaced like everything else and some areas of some levels are just stupid cause they corner you on these really open ended outdoors areas with so many enemies so that you can't go forward without getting hit and staying where you are will get you cornered. And hit by the way.
I didn't get to finish the game cause I installed the editor and since then the game crashed quite often and so I uninstalled it but I was on the level after the last level. One with this hideously misplaced purple dragon which is a ripoff from Shrek's dragon.
It's kinda worth playing but I think that I like Painkiller more than this even if with only 5 weapons and respective alt shots.