Are you serious?This game rocks!!!If you want to spent your time with fun,the only way to do it is to buy This game.
User Rating: 8.5 | Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter PC
This game have action all the time,monsters dont stop to appear,all the time you are killing..killing and killing.Moreover there are great bosses which sometimes are gigantic!It has good grafics and sound and is playble for any pc.Also this serious sam is the same like the old one.The only difference is that it has better grafics and sound and online multiplayer.THE game has many and large maps and many different strong weapons.Also there are many big,funny and scary monsters.I like this game becouse of its action!The only problem with this game is that is only on pc and xbox 360.Why is not came out on ps3?
So if you are a fun of action run now to the nearest store buy this game at low price,put it on your pc and start PLAYING!!!!Go and get it get it get it !And if you act now you can probably get the car.