Best FPS Game Ever!
Serious Sam has a Co-Op in multiplayer, something not often seen in modern First Person Shooters. Co-Op mode and single player mode both have a lot replay value in them. With secret rooms and weapons to be found, there is also glitches to be discovered.
When playing Serious Sam you will find that not all battles are in a cramped hallway or such, sometimes they can be in a large field, so you can get the feel of the game. The weapons have a unique selection such as rockets, grenades, and cannons, and which many of these weapons will be in multiplayer mode with unlimited ammo, which is rare for multiplayer. The monters that you have to fight are also an important part of what makes this game so special. Sometimes the monsters travel in groups or herds from 2 to 50! The monsters also vary in size from being smaller than the player to 100 times as large as the player!
What makes this game so memorable is the certain feel it gives. Serious Sam will give you the same feeling you get on a rainy day. A 'home' feeling. The gameplay has an extraordinary amount of replay value. And the graphics are smooth. The music gives a exciting feel. The game is really worth the money, which is actually really cheap, 6 or 7 dollars, is worth more than many other popular FPS games.
From massive enemies to the exceptional replay value, this game is definitely worth your money, even if it is years old. If you want something to play almost everyday, then Serious Sam: The First Encounter is the game. Like the first of the Doom series, Serious Sam was revolutionary, inspiring many sequels and other First Person Shooters, and many more to come.