Serious Sam..., Serious Sam..., Serious Sam..., What More Can I Say? Well, This Game Rocks (Seriously)!

User Rating: 10 | Serious Sam XBOX
This is a great FPS. It's like so cool. With a mix of a great shooter, and cartoony graphics, it's totally awesome! Not the greatest plot ever, but definetly great gameplay. Don't play those stupid 3rd person horror shooters (Resident Evil 4 eat your haert out), because they're a waste of your time. Just play cool FPSes. Woh that sounds kind of weird. 7 Thumbs Up (if yuo have that many)! Just... if you like shooters, then play this k? Or Halo, that rocks too. If you liked my review, which I'm sure you did since I'm totally awesome, go read my Halo reviews. And yes that was supposed to be plural. But always, no matter what you do, remember to be serious! Ok Sam?!?!?!?!?!?