This game is severely underrated!
But enough of the First Encounter, let's move on to the real review.
Now, I'll be honest, my initial experience was pretty much this.
First 15 minutes: Yeah, you know, this is pretty fun.
This was typically followed by a rage-quit.
I stopped playing the game for about 2 months, and recently came back to it for some fun. I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but I realized about half an hour in that I was having a ton of fun! I couldn't think of what was different. Maybe i got better? No, I hadn't played for too long. Then it hit me. it was ME. I had been playing the game completely wrong the whole time! Now i'll be honest. Like most teenagers these days, I play Call Of Duty. And, even though this is probably going to attract some fanboys, but it's campy. The singleplayer at least. It's just not fun! You have to constantly peek around corners to make sure there isn't someone who will kill you. And that leads to the other problem. You die too fast in COD! Now, dont say "put it on easy then!" becuase i like a challenging game. But COD isn't challenging. It's just not fun! Now, i won't lie because SSHD2 has its share of cheap enemy placement and annoying bits too. but they're actually FUN to complete, unlike COD which makes you feel stupid for not being able to aim down your sights fast enough.
That reminds me. AIMING DOWN SIGHTS. Nothing pissses me off more these days than a good shooting game ruined by having to aim down sights! It slows you down, it reduces your aiming speed. It just ruins the game! A perfect example is call of duty. I hate aiming down sights so much that I use only knives and tomahawks now. ADS is just too damn slow. Luckily you'll have no sights or bullcrap like that in SSHD.
anway, getting back to my review. So that was my problem all along. I was treating SSHD2 like it was COD. And I was being to careful. But this isn't how you SHOULD be playing. You should run in with guns blazing and shoot everything you see until you die.
And that's pretty much what makes this game so fun!
But there is one problem. With the exception of when you finish a level, the game never autosaves. EVER. So you will very often get far in a level, die, and have to go very far back because you didn't save. And i guarantee you WILL forget to do it. But eventually after getting so angry that you almost smash your monitor, you will eventually remember to quicksave, in anticipation of the fact that you will probably have to fight a giant red mecha dinosaur that fires rockets within the next few seconds.
But once you finally learn to quicksave, you will have more fun than you could have imagined with a shooter. You won't even care about dying, because you will start from where you left off!
The game has some seriously cool weaponry. You start off with a knife and a colt six-shooter. The knife is powerful, but dangerous to use because you have to go close to an enemy. Also, in the south america level (the EGYPT level sucks, so don't play it. it doesn't force you to) you also get a chainsaw. It never runs out of ammo, so it's a decent backup. You eventually get a double barrel shotgun, a pump action shotgun, a cannonball launcher thing, a rocket launcher, a laser cannon, a minigun, a tommy gun, a sniper rifle, and a grenade launcher. There are more, but I won't go into that now. All of these weapons are awesome and a blast to use.
Each weapon is divided into an "ammunition category" type thing. For example, the Double Barrel and the Pump Action shotgun can both be accessed by tapping 3 on your keyboard. once for the double barrel, and twice for the pump-action. They both run on the same ammo, shells, so they share your shell count. This means if you're out of ammo for your pump action or double barrel, the other hotgun is out too! A similar thing is used with all other weapons, for example the Tommy gun and the minigun both use standard bullets, and they can both be accesed by tapping 4. They both share your bullet count. All the weapons have this system implemented.
In this awesome game, you never have to reload. Unless you run out of ammo completely, you can just keep shooting. It's a great way to manage ammo, and it's FREAKING AWESOME NOT HAVING TO REALOAD EVERY 5 SECONDS. with the amount of enemies on the screen at any given time, you would die way too fast if you had to reload.
The violence in the game is totally over the top. So over the top infact, that you can turn the blood green, or into confetti, and the gore into flowers, or even freaking CANDY if you feel like it. I presonally play with the gor on standard, but it's very fitting with the candy (kiddie) violence mode. Because of the ridiculous mindset of the game, it fits the theme well.
So yeah, That's pretty much my opinion on the game! If you want to buy it, it's 20 bucks on steam, and it's definitely worth it. Croteam has done an excellent job with this game!
As a side note, if you enjoy Serious Sam HD, you may want to check out Painkiller by People Can fly. It's also available on steam, as well as its expasions such as Overdose and Redemption. The original and Overdose are definitely worth checking out! Also, serious sam 3 is coming out soon, and it's available for preorder for 32 bucks, grab that too!
So that's my review of SSHD2, hope you enjoyed it, pres the little green thumbs up if you liked the video, if you didn't like it, dislike it i guess, but yeah, thanks for watching!