Dynasty worriors is better .If your looking for a running around sword fighting easy bosses then this is your kinda game. I have to say some parts were good but some werent so its up to the player to deside if they like this game . But i like alot more games and i thought it took forever to get to the ending because i didnt like it at all. So it is your thoughts not mine but its a rent only kinda game. It was easy adn you learn everything in less then 30 min and i dont like games like .I like games were you can learn new moves threw out the game and so you just stuck with the same moves threw out the game. The graphics suck i mean the character guy has a white thing on his back and as you are running that white goes threw him and no hes not a ghost and i was like whats up with that. Again it is your thoughts not mine but still its a rent only kinda game and if you just rent and see what im talking about then you will find out that i was right . So i wouldnt waste your money or your gifts or any thing i would just rent it and see what im talking about. I rented it last night and i was like boo and i finshed it in about 3 hours becasue the bosses wernt hard at all and the game was so easy.
Other Helpful Reviews for Shichinin no Samurai 20XX
I usually give hack'n'slash titles higher ratings than most gamers, but even I had to go low on this one. While there are some truly fun moments, this game just has too many flaws. The graphics are great, and are what a... Read Full Review
This game is horrible i dont like it and even though i've never played it and am basing my opion of this game on the screen shots it is still horrible and no one should ever play it or even look in its direction its evil... Read Full Review