Take Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball. Drop all the volleyball related parts and you've got Sexy Beach 2.

User Rating: 8.6 | Sexy Beach 2 PC
Basically, the jist of the game is to go out on dates with virtual girls in swimsuits. it sounds simple, and it is.

the game gives you 6 girls to choose from and you have to take them out on dates in any order you choose. At first, the dates are pretty laid back and boring as you can only watch your girl and pan the camera around. But after a few dates with a same girl things become more interesting as you will be aloud to touch her- giving her massages, tickling her, giving her backrubs, and very suggestive interactions later on. Then of course, once you've gone out with her enough times, you will then be able to sleep with her.

This game contains graphic nudity (Although you wont be rewarded with this untill you've made some progress into the game.) Like many other unique games out there, this title is not for everyone- not only because of it's sexually suggestive materials but also because it's in Japanese only. There are english language patches which changes menus, lists, and settings into English but dialogues will still remain in Japanese so you probably wont understand what your date is trying to tell you. Also, the gameplay is so simple and repetitive that many people will be disappointed because there's simply no challenge in it.

Sexy Beach 2 is just eye candy for your guilty libido. It's a virtual substitute for real life dating. Fun at first, but get's repetitive after some time playing.