I downloaded this Xbox Arcade game for 1200 points one day after release, and did not stop playing it until I finished it. The only complaint I have about this game is that is was too short. It feels and plays just like the metroid series 2D games of the past. Even though I beat it in four hours the first time around, I went straight to playing it again on a harder difficulty because I did not get enough. There are so many items to find, and challenges to complete. I wish they made more games like this one, and would recommend it to anyone who wants a good mix of good and new gameplay. Loaded with action and great looking environments, Shadow Complex is a game worth playing more then once. Although there is no multiplayer the game has a online leaderboard to see where you score against other players, and there is plenty of content and abilities to unlock to make the gameplay extend beyond the usual completion time. I intend to play the game a third time to unlock as many of the achievements (which are for the most part) realistic as possible. Shadow Complex does not have a long indepth plot, but that does not mean it lacks substance, it is a full rewarding adventure game.
In the last year, titles like Braid, Bionic Commando Rearmed, and 'Splosion Man have really propelled the Xbox Live Arcade forward in terms of quality and value. Cynics that claim the best of the arcade caters only for t... Read Full Review
It's fitting that Chair asked Epic Games to publish Shadow Complex; the game feels like Super Metroid remade for the Gears of War generation. It's louder, flashier and dumber than the games that inspired it, steeped in s... Read Full Review