A fun Uncharted rip-off. I also know why the game crashes so frequently and how to fix it.

User Rating: 8 | Shadow Guardian IOS

Okay, so the first thing I have to say about Shadow Guardian is that it is definitely an Uncharted rip-off. But even if it does plagiarize Uncharted, it is still a fun game.
Shadow Guardian is a fun, climbing and cover shooting fun with some of the best graphics the iOS can offer.

A bit cheesy; you have to collect a bunch of small statues and in the process kill an army of goons that some desperate rich guy hired to get the statues for him. Although allot of the story is cheesy and doesn't make any sense, Shadow Guardian is still a fun game to play.

Shadow Guardian's graphics are easily one of the best seen on the iPod/ iPhone. Cinematic are good but not great and the pace is great since the graphic's movement has a nice frame rate.

Well, here's where I had the problem with the crashing. From what I found out, in order for the game not to crash, you must turn off ALL background running apps. to do this, either turn your iPod/ iPhone off and turn it back on again or press the home button twice to bring up multi-task and delete all the running apps in there. THIS WILL NOT DELETE THE APPS OFF YOUR DEVICE.

Now, for the actual gameplay. In Shadow Guardian, you basically climb, take cover and shoot a load of heavily armed goons or monsters. The controls are pretty easy to get used to as well. The easiest I found it to aim would be to take cover, and take advantage of the auto-aim system.

Graphics, easy controls, fun and is the closest thing you'll get to an Uncharted iPhone game so far.

Rips off one of the greatest game ever made, and the story is a bit cheesy.

Although allot of the story is cheesy and doesn't make any sense, Shadow Guardian is still a fun game to play.