One of the most underlooked RPGs since Wild Arms. In my personal opinion, better than any other turn-based RPG to date.

User Rating: 8.9 | Shadow Hearts II PS2
Let me start off by saying that more people should play this game.

Graphics - 9
Very clean, usually colorful environments in different locales...downright beautiful sometimes. Cutscenes are expertly done, too.

Sound - 8
Sometimes it feels out of place, but for the most part, it is very fitting to the mood.

Gameplay - 9
The second best part of the game. Not much in the way of minigames, but every battle itself is a minigame, with the Judgement Ring. Varied effects to the ring spice things up, enemies are greatly varied, character models are duplicated three times at the most. Also, some of the best puzzles IMO in the history of gaming. There is one that will take you at least 5 hours without a guide, no lies. Some of them are quite inventive, too. Having the options to improve your Judgement Rings is a nice extra, as well. The only downside is the weakness of the magic-heavy characters, and that you have to have good timing to be any good at this game.

Story - 10
The best part of the game, by far. It is extremely dark, to begin with. Much to do with Rasputin and the great Demons, some cloning ethics come into play. Overall, it seems like a depressing game, but it is also equally light-hearted. One of the bosses is a giant pink cat. One of the best characters in the game is a questionably masculine wrestler, who goes through cycles in which he changes into a surprisingly strong tiny golden bat, an invisible man, or rarely, a wrestler who wears a butterfly mask. There are some pretty funny cutscenes all the time, some of the characters are quite zany. Overall, I think this is the best story from a game I've known...although playing the first game in the series adds to the experience.

Value - 9
Exceptional, because you can pick it up brand new for no more than twenty dollars. However, because its' replay value is not the greatest, I can't give it full marks.

Tilt - 8
Unfortunately, after playing through twice, it's not really worth going back to play it again. But those first two times, it's quite amazing.