Great storyline, and great battle system, but lacks in originality.

User Rating: 8.6 | Shadow Hearts II PS2
It might have great voice acting, a great battle system, as well as an interesting storyline, but I bet that we, RPG freaks, could all agree on that this is just another RPG which is not much different than any other RPG.
The atmosphere in the game is too obvious and everything is obvious, just another defeat the bad guy/ love/ romance story. For the RPG gamer's that like to stick to RPG' s such as this, I guess you could say that this game deserves a high rating for the effort that was put into this sequal. For the RPG gamers that would like to try something new, I reccomend them to play Digital Devil Saga, Nocturne, and any game that was developed by "ATLUS", and especially this upcoming game by "ATLUS" called "Magna Carta: Tears of Blood" now that should be a new thrill for RPG gamers.