What can i say? The 'Shadow Hearts' series made me fall deep in love with RPG's.
Storyline is brilliant and intense.
Gameplay is that of a classical RPG (Allies and Enemies taking turns in the battle system etc, Which i love) Yet it still surpasses any RPG out there with other features.
The transformations Yuri has are fun. It's great to work hard to achieve them and achieve every good asset in the game, Such as sidequests etc. Makes the game worth while. (It's worth while without even TRYING to obtain everything :D But you catch my drift.)
Now for the storyline: It's gripping and exciting, Dark and mysterious. A little bit of humour is added even within a serious story, Which is a little surprising but always fun right? ^-^
Plus the characters are unique and they all have their own 'storyline' part in the game.
Gameplay: The classic stuff. While running around in dangerous areas you'll encounter battles, obtain exp and money at the end, also 'soul' for Yuri's fusions.
Difference: The battle ring, it spins around and if you succeed on hitting the red areas your character will attack with higher power, hitting the yellow areas will hit normally, white area: you miss. It's simple yet effective. ^^
Each character has some sort of special ability.
In safe places, you can talk to people, gain information, sometimes unlock sidequests or mini-games etc to obtain extra items in the game.
I don't want to give too much away xD
I've never been so in love with an RPG before and i'm serious.
Buy it. That's my opinion. If you like what i wrote and it seems to be your sort of game then you won't regret it :D.