Not as good as Covenant, but "alright."
Although it was very enjoyable, and the battles were great, and the puzzels were involving, the game was just way too short for the main plot. If you don't play all the sidequests, the game takes about 17 hours. Although, keep in mind, if you DON'T do the sidequests, then you don't get the Special Abilites for your characters.....Not like it matters. I've beaten the game having only Johnny's "Snap", and Frank's "Ninja Star", aswell as our Mariachi's only "Inspiration" item.
You also recieve said characters WAYY too quickly, and like I said before, you don't have enough time to love them. Even the Love story is rushed and incomplete. I even wanted Yuri to dump Alice and go for Karin in Covenant. Here, when Johhny reviels his love interest, I can't help but give a big "WHAT THE HECK?! SINCE WHEN?!" since the only noticing of her he did, was stare at her chest.
It's not all bad, the Gameplay, Music, Battle System, and Characters were all imaginative, and fun. But the Plot was just really really short, and really really rushed.
For those of you who played Covenant, and LOVED it when Rasputin wasn't the bad guy, then Nicolai wasn't the bad guy, and it turned out to be Kato, you'll be dissapointed with the plot.
You know who the Final Boss is about 4 hours into the game, and it doesn't change.