a good-weird game.
it reminds me of many games like final fantasy x, ff x-2, and resident evil.
ffx because johnny looks a bit like tidus, and the way shania acquires her fusion beasts, is like yuna acquiring her aeons. ffx-2 because the stellar chart looks like the garment grids in ffx-2, also when shania transforms to her fusion, it's like changing dress spheres. and resident evil because of the monsters to encounter in these game look far from the other rpgs that i played.
what i dont like about this game is the battle team system. you have to assemble 3 teams to fight for encounters. i dont get it, why make 3 when they can just make substitution system like in ffx.
i also think that they made the game too elaborate. whenever i get an item i have to look everywhere in items, inventory, personal etc. i also dont like the experience distribution. if a character is on the reserved team, that character will only receive part of the active team's experience.
what i like about this game is the shop. when you buy and sell you can increase disounts and mark-ups.
overall this game is not bad. it isnt that good but it is better than magna carta.