Quirky and fun
This newest installment continues with the same formula, but this installment feels more thrown together than the first two and doesn't really add anything new. The judgement ring is exactly the same as in Covenant, there really isn't any difference at all. The only addition in this game is the stellar charts which you use to equip magic to your characters and you have to pay to level up the different slots of the stellar chart as well as change their element to your liking. It didn't really add anything to the overall value of the game, it just felt like a poor execution of a decent idea. Fusion returns in this game only this time it isn't the main character, its a Native American named Shania who can fuse with spirits, a little bit of a different approach than the first two. There are also only 3 fusions, 4 if you feel like grinding for a few days to finish the ridiculous quest for the final one. Which leads me to my next point: the only way to get new skills for your characters is to do side quests. For starters, most of the skills are completely useless and you'll only use them a handfull of times. Some characters have skills that are incredible whilst others are just complete garbage. Also there are some incredible skilla to be had just by talking to someone, just some random person that you needed to talk to at a certain place and boom, side quest done, new great skill. And then there are others where it is ridiculously hard and sometimes tedious, and you get useless crap. One of my biggest problems with this latest installment is the story. The first two games had good stories despite its off-the-wall characters and comedy, it blended perfectly with the stories. In "From the New World" it felt like they just created a handful of characters and threw them at you and said "Ok, this is whats going on." At times it just felt dumb. I won't go into detail on the story, I'll let you judge for yourself.
If you liked the first two games you will enjoy "From the New World", just not as much.