Great game, great gameplay,l great characters and great start to one of the best sequels ever!
The characters were extremely good and I doubt there is another game with a character as strong and easy to look up to as Yuri. The gameplay was very simple but still fitted the style of the game perfectly. Turn based mode with ability of fusion was great.
The quests were not too easy and not too hard so any RPG fan would find this game enjoyable. The plot and story line tells us a great story of a fighter for his own soul and a woman who gave her own one for his.
As usual with the Shadow Hearts games there was two endings to it. They were different in only one little moment and that little moment made a huge difference. Considering the fatc the next game was based on the fact the bad ending occured, I would believe that if someone is going to play SH2 then it would be more enjoyable actualy getting the bad ending.
As the sum up to this I recommend this game to anyone that plays RPG's and values great plot,characters etc.