A great RPG not to be missed!!!!!
Story: 9/10
Well, a man named Yuri Hyuga is on a train and a voice in his head tells him to save and protect a girl named Alice Elliot from a man named Roger Bacon. Very basic, but it gets so much better than that. The Japanese army is trying to control every city, a man named Dehui is planning something called the demon's gate invocation, which may possibly destroy the earth, there is a man wearing a mask that is trying to destroy Yuri, there is a love connection between afew characters, many deaths, Roger Bacon trying to capture Alice in order to cleanse the world anew by summoning God from Heaven, and so much more, and there are many plot twists. The only problem is that there are too many deaths. There is atleast one person dying in every area. You talk to them for a while, then either Dehui, Roger Bacon, the Japanese Army, or a demon kills that person. The only problem with the story. Overall a 9/10/
Gameplay: 9/10 Well, there's a thing called the judgement ring and you have to press x on the higlighted spots. Its fun, but its more than just that. Every character has their own abilities, like Yuri and his ability to morph into demons. Great, but its too hard. I often die on bosses, or they take too long because you have to heal alot every single turn. There are many locations and Dungeons, all fun, and the dungeons usually have 1-4 confusing puzzles. Very good, and the random encounters aren't frequent, so don't worry. Overall good gameplay.
Graphics: 9/10
The graphics here are beautiful. I love pre-rendered backrounds, but its just me. I love them, you should too. The characters run smoothly, and they are pretty detailed, and I love how there are pictures of that person who is talking. Very neat. The only problems with the in-game graphics are the faces, for example, Alice's face looks like a napkin with black lines. Also, every few hours, there are CGI/FMV cutscenes. They get better and better each time. They are smooth and detailed, and very exciting, and they look absolutely fantastic. Here on Gamespot, there's an FMV of China having a huge earthquake, but there are 3 more FMV's after that that are way better. Infact, I will name the FMV's. No spoilers
1. The deadly Introduction- Beggining of game
2. Confrontation- 3 min. of gameplay
3. Quihua plays a song- 7 hours of Gameplay
4. Seraphic Radiance- 16 hours of gameplay
5. Awakening of the deadly Neameeto- 23 hours of gameplay
6. Bad Ending- 27 hours of gameplay
7. Good Ending- 33- 40 hours of gameplay
These are all the FMV's. Great.
Sound: 10/10 Sound's great here. From happy songs to sad, heartbreaking songs to creepy and disturbing songs to downright scary songs. As you can see, tons of variety here. They are also very good. Infact, if you go to I thing Rouen and you are home alone at 10:00 and you are there, you will almost pee in your pants. That's how scary some of them are. The battle and Boss music's are great, though I like China's battle and boss music better. Overall fantastic music. Also, there are some anime and FMV cutscenes with voices in them, and some voices ( like Keith's and Sea Mother's) are absolutely terrible, while others are very good. Value: 10/10
This game is VERY hard to find, luckily I got a copy from EBgames for 65 dollars. I had to search for it for afew years, also, its a great game, so great value here.
Replay Value: 10/10
Wow. Tons here. There are about 8 hidden bosses, about 5 secret dungeons, 15 hidden cutscenes, one hidden FMV, many secret monsters, 20 secret fusions, 8 hidden sidequests that take a while to do, 4 hidden anime cutscenes, many hidden puzzles, about 10 hidden items, and I think there's like one or two more things. Anyway, not only do they take like 10-12 hours to do, but they are fun. Also, a hidden ending. So, tons of replay value here. OVERALL: 9.6/10
If you can't find this game at stores ( which is highly likely) make an Ebay or Amazon account and buy this game. So totally worth it. And don't sell it, because I garuntee that you will never see it again ( since noone in the world has it and its not famous since this was released the same week as FF10, so it was ignored.) So buy it at Christmas or at your Birthday ( Well, those are the only times I can get games) because this is totally worth it.