Shadow Hearts kicks @ss
User Rating: 9 | Shadow Hearts (PlayStation2 the Best) PS2
Shadow Hearts and a dark JRPG that is a low budget game but works with what it's got and the end result is one of the best RPG's I've ever played. The story is very in depth leaving you wanting to know what's happened and play it all the way through. The battles are turn based but add a meter that spins around a wheel and depending on where you stop it depends on how much damage you do. There are tons of hidden secrets & items to find in this game that make the exploration awesome. For example when I beat the game I could of went right to the boss which is really difficult to beat and just tried and killed him that way. However I did a ton of side missions and fought some very rare boss fights which allowed me to get the best summon in the game and take down the main boss easy. This game I felt was truley under rated and never got the exposure and respect it deserves. I think this game is on parr with the Final Fantasy series even though the graphics aren't as good as the FF series. I've personally have beat all 3 Shadow Hearts games and part 1 & 2 are def. the best in the series. Check them out!