It makes me feel dead inside.
User Rating: 4 | Shadow Man: 2econd Coming PS2
This game is not fun in anyway. You must run around almost totally at random until you find what you have to do. Once you do, you have to figure out how to do it. Keep in mind none of this is supposed to be a puzzle. Kind of like in the original legend of Zelda and Meroid games, I found myself shoot every object with every weapon because I spent hours at my ps2 trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, I googled it and found the answer. This kept happening and eventually I just quit. Why bother with a game that doesn't want you to beat it? You get a pretty decent varierty of weapons. Magic ones, melee, and long range. Really though, you only need a couple of them. They decided to make as many non versatile items as they could. The only reason you get an axe is to chop down boards( a very specific kind of board ). Other weapons like the machete and crowbar have no use other than hitting people with them. Most of the time, enemies aren't even that hard to beat. You just whack them with a couple of your abundance of melee weapons or have one of your many guns auto lock and shoot them. The fighting in the game is pointless. It's is far too easy and unexciting to fight. The enemies are too stupid and weak to efficiantly fight back. The game features a stealth option. This is even more pointless. Enemies are every easy to kill with any weapon, so a stealth kill is the same with only with a computer controlled animation. Most of the time enemies just magically know where you are anyway. Through out the whole game you'll feel like you're running around this massive map JUST FOR THE HEL1 OF IT. The entire time you are "The person who turns dead at night and kills stuff while running around random locations until he finds a teddy bear". Teddy bears (creepy looking ones) are this games form of checkpoints. Dubbed "Teddy Bear Points", these locations are where you return when you die and the locations you can teleport to using the allpowerful stuffed bear. (Because a dead guy with a superteddybear and guns ISN'T weird). Truthfully, it's more fun to make fun of the game rather than play. I mean for the sake of all things still sacred, the sorcerer who brought you back to life has no choice except to do it with people to retain her powers and form, your best friend is a little leprechaun dude, and the mighty champion of darkness ShadowMan doesn't know where to go. Does this game strike the bell of retardedness yet? No? Allow me to continue. You can switch forms from Mike to ShadowMan at will or just wait for it to happen. Mike by day, ShadowMan by night. Once you get the pocket watch made from Seinfield's black and white cookie( you wanna get both black and white at the same time (DING DONG!), you can change the time of day to the minute. You can collect 10 weird looking feather things to get a health upgrade. The graphics aren't great. They are about standard ps2 level. The storyline is kind of different. Hooker sorceress puts mask on dead dude and he becomes immortal and super powerful, cop gets feet chopped off by a giant demon while defending his book, whack the crap out of all the Grigori Sephiroth, kill yet another alternate version of the incarnation of evil( usually Satan ). Not really a generic "kill the person who wants to take over and OR destroy the world for no logical reason", but not really a fresh thrillride. The story is kind of well thought out, but not enough. The story gets an 7.5 out of 10. Overall, this game is a frustration and a sorry excuse for a puzzle or third person game. It isn't broken, it was just really badly designed, so it couldn't be fixed. 3.5 out of 10.