You can die, but... not... die.... then, all of a sudden there is this glow for no reason, and you die... for real...

User Rating: 5.7 | Shadow of Memories PC
This was amazing in concept, but horrible in execution. I suspect it was probably better on console.

The story was compelling. The double edged sword is how crazy it is. I really like the time traveling brain pretzel it tries to weave. However, it causes moments that are just plain bizarre, and leaves you saying "huh". I like movies that challenge me. There is a good kind of "huh". But this one feels almost buggy. At one point, I'm standing by this tree with this girl, and then I get killed. So, it replays it again, but different. Then I try to move, and it does it again... and then I think it did it again... maybe more than once.... It's not that I don't remember, it's just that I have no flipping clue what happened. It was just like this strange flashing of events that were all kind of at the same time. It felt more like I make some mistake and it loosed a bug on me, than a really intentional brain gimping moment.

Add into this very confusing conditions for death and a lousy save system, and it leaves you very confused. You can die, but... not... die.... but then, all of a sudden there is this weird glow for no reason, and you die, but it's a game over. And when you sort-of die, you sometimes come back in weird places. Do I have to replay it? Do I still have my items? Answer: sometimes. It's inconsistent. Then the little green thingy glows and I don't know if I'm gonna die, or if it's just gonna move on.

The story is pretty linear too. You have choices, but each part feels so short and coraled in. So, there is this really crazy open ended multi-ending story, told in a really linear boxed in fashion, with really confusing win conditions.

The graphics were nice, but not great. The voice acting, was great with some people, but the lead character made me want to cut off my ears with a my-first-princess-party knife.

Overall, this added up to a very frustrating experience.