Shadow of Rome is superbgladitorial game that combines action, stealth and racing sequences virtually flawlessly.
User Rating: 8.9 | Shadow of Rome PS2
Shadow of Rome is an outstanding action game that almost anyone will love. The game starts you off with Julius Caesar being murdered, you father is blamed, and you must clear his name. The meat of the game is gladitorial battles. Note to parents: there is a ton of blood and gore; it makes Mortal Kombat look like Elmo. The gameplay in it is almost perfect. there are 4 attack buttons and you can pull off many interesting combos. There is also a wide variety of weapons, and they can all be thrown. Even better, SOR is extremely realistic. Hit a guy in the arm with a sword and their arm flies off. The weapons all have weight behind them and they can all break. The spy sequences are one thing that holds this game down from being a Game of the Year nominee. There is a nifty map, but most of the objectives feel a little dull. They do provide a good change-of-pace however, and they are similar to Metal Gear Solid. The last part is chariot races. They are similar to those in Prince of Persia, wher you have to cross the finish line first, but can also use lances & co. to destroy your opponents. The graphics in Shadow of Rome are absolutely stunning and the framerate is as solid as can be. The cut-scenes are some of the best I've ever seen, graphically. The sound is very realistic, if repetitive. the whole game is around 18 hours long, but there's no multiplay and not much replay value. Overall, Shadow of Rome is a hidden gem for any action fan.