Shadow of the Colossus is a good game, with strategic gameplay which is fun and will make you want to keep playing it...
First PS2 game review in a long while! Shadow of the Colossus is a very good game and whoever owns a PS2 shoud get this game. Only thing that really kills this game is the paperthin storyline, which could have been imporved. The gameplay is very fun, but what sucks is that all you do in the game is travel from location to location killing a massive Colossus. If they threw in a better storyline and some different enemies, this game could have been better then Legend of Zelda. But props to this game, because the scenes and things in the game are nice. It gives it a weird kind of feel, but it is cool. Fighting the Colossus in this game is very fun, after a LONG ASS HORSE RIDE there, it is worth it. But anyway, not going to give away what little storyline that there is, but if you own a PS2, get this game.