Play this game for a fresh experience.
That being said I do have several gripes about the game:
1. Length: it could have been longer, and not in the sense that, there should have been more bosses because believe me 16 was awesome and ample. but there should have been more in between. more of an incentive to catch different animals and fruit or perhaps more of an incentive to explore. there really wasn’t much to this game when you think about it. In keeping with the desolation of the world, it makes sense that there are no humans etc. but what's to say you can't find some treasure or something? The battles had a lot of variety themselves but the overall flow of gameplay was very repetitive i.e. find boss, beat boss, rinse and repeat.
2. Too Ambitious: I hate to say it but I think this game should have been next gen. Bosses could have been even more ridiculous and the graphics are just begging to be bumped up a few notches. Don't forget about pop-up and the like.
3. Camera: The camera in this game is very frustrating.
4. The horse: I could literally put my controller through the f@#$ing wall when simply trying to mount my faithful steed. It is a task of insurmountable proportions. I would often times opt to just walk and then call the horse over just to avoid wrestling with the controls. In boss battles the horse is mostly useless with the exception of those boss battles which require you to use him and in these cases the difficult camera becomes an issue again.