Incredible, just incredible

User Rating: 10 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
This game is in my top 3 games of all time, number 1 for PS2 games. This game should be played by anyone, no matter what game genre your into. Gameplay:
The gameplay on this game is awesome. You get to fight 100 story monsters, what else could you ask for. You will not get bored of this game, but i promise you, you will get pissed ALOT. These are tough suckers to crack, and they get harder as you progress, but that just adds alot to the game.

The graphics in this game are awesome for PS2, there is an unstable frame rate, but i can see why. The world around you is pretty barren, but its huge, and the monsters are huge, which can slow the game down sometimes. But over all, i give 2 thumbs up for the graphics.

The sound in this game really pulls you into the game. There is awesome battle music that just adds to the whole experience, and I could not pick out better music to fit this game.

In this game, YOU WILL DIE ALOT, but it keeps you coming back to it. I beat this game already, and im still having a blast playing it. You become pretty attached to this game. I can see myself in 20 years looking back at this game, and I know this will become a classic sooner or later.