Rivals Okami for the most unique game you will find on any platform.

User Rating: 9.7 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
This game broke every barrier I thought possible to me. It inspired me to new heights that no video had ever done, nor has ever done since. I spent hours scouring the internet, looking at the plethora of amateur and professional writers who gave their idea's as to the history and points leading up to the story, and what potentially could have happened until the story caught up to Ico, chronologically speaking.

There are no levels, no experience, no hit points, no fancy shmancy combo's or "moves". All you have is your plain old sword that seems to reflect light amazingly well and your huge horse, Agro. Oh, and your bow. I could go on and on about which points in the story are far too much assumed and which one's are only slightly misunderstood - Mono, the girl in white, was not necessarily Wander's loved one, that's a presumption made by the people who wrote the back cover of the game, also Wander was only called "Wanda" at one point because of how the Japanese happened to pronounce it - but I must remember that this is a review, and not a complete breakdown of this amazing game. The storyline, as you've likely heard, is just that you are led to this isolated land by way of this larger-than-life bridge and are left with the seemingly hopeless task of defeating 16 colossi in the hopes of reviving this girl in white. The land and atmosphere of the game have never been done before, and just standing out on some of the more remote beaches of the world and wondering what's past that oceanic horizon...or trying to figure out just what gigantic dead tree the size of some of the largest colossi in the game is doing sitting on TOP of a cave...there's endless speculation to be made.

Either way, if you count yourself anything more than an intelligent member of the gaming society, please do yourself a favor and buy this....I also enjoy discussions about this game with whoever is willing to babble on about it, so feel free to message me with whatever musings/questions you may have. I completed the game to the fullest extent possible so I'm sure I can help with any queries you may have. ^_^

As a final note, a majority of the gaming community seems to have issues with the games camera's. While I can't say that they're flawlessly done, once you do consider the scope of the game and the question "How else could they have made it and given the same experience?" then I think you may just begin to understand why the camera is the way it is. Sure, it may have been something to get used to. But! In a game that's not overly difficult to begin with...c'mon guys, we're gamers, we're supposed to be good at overcoming reasonable, and something unreasonable, challenges!