An incredible experience, with fantastic moments.
This game is unlike any other game anyone will ever play. There is no game where you fight 16 enormous colossi each exclusive with their own appearance, attacks, and weakpoints. It is the most unique experience I had after playing through it. Some of the collossi were really tough to figure out how to get to their weak spots, and took a while to figure out.
Ok, the story is kind of been there done that with a basic twist at the end of the game, but is solid and has an amazing ending. It should be perservered because the story usually doesn't ruin a game.
The gameplay is great. I admit, it is a short game that could be beaten in a day if you had the time, but that doesn't mean that it has bad replayability. There is time attack you can do when you have beaten the game where you can face each colossi again with a timer. You can get weapon upgrades for defeating the time attack mode. You also can play the game again on hard mode for a more challenging and realistic experience.
The graphics are revolutionary and inspiring, they look almost like xbox 360 graphics at times. Who knows, maybe it should have been for the 360, but i don't think so. Sometimes while playing the game, you may feel as if you are watching an epic action movie and are forgetting that you have a controller in your hands. No other game of 2005 had graphics as beautiful as these. A couple of tweaks in the mountains and rocks and stuff and they would have been flawless, but they're even perfect still, because no game has those kinds of graphics.
Perfect sound effects with perfect music. The music was done by a full orchestra which blended in with the battles so well, it felt like you were watching a movie based on David and the Goliath.
Overall, i thought this was the most incredible, unique experience i have ever had. Any Ps2 owner should go and at least rent the game. Any gamer who has not tried at least an hour of it is missing out on 2005's best (my opinion), and quite possibly, one of the best, ever.