Got frustration? Here it is.

User Rating: 6.9 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
The game looks amazing, no doubt there. The colossi are, well, colossal. You definitely get a sense that they could kill you just by stepping near you, which interestingly isn't the case. Not only can they not kill you by stepping on you, you can fall all the way from the head of the tallest one and not die. And falling is something you will likely do many times for one reason, the controls. They are absolutely frustrating. It kind of feels like you are suggesting where to go and what to do, and the game decides if it will let you. The camera doesn't help in alleviating this problem either, it actually aggravates it. I can't think of a slower moving camera. Half the time you are on the opposite side of a wall as the camera, which is especially annoying when that wall is a moving part of the colossus.
Then there is the fact that you have to kill 16 of these things. After the first 11 I thought to myself, "Well I see 5 statues left, but there is no way I have to do all of them. Something must happen to them." How wrong I was. The first few are interesting just because you are new to the game, then you move up to number 10 and you're ready for the game to get over with. The last six are the worst because that is when the shoddy controls really take effect. A good majority of these last few are actively trying to get you, and getting on to them requires some precise movements. I wouldn't have even finished the game if I hadn't thought I only had to do 12 and then, finding out I had to do all 16, only having 4 left.
"Maybe the story will make it all worth it," I thought. Well, it's certainly different that's for sure. Every few colossi or so you get a little cut-scene... which explains absolutely nothing. The last two cut-scenes and the finale flesh out the entire story. It's kind of interesting, but a bit disappointing considering what you had to do to get there. Think Matrix Revolutions.
All in all the controls are what killed it. If they were better it wouldn't be so frustrating and the lackluster ending wouldn't be as much of a let down. The game isn't hard, your biggest difficulty will be fighting the controller and camera, but that's on default difficulty. I can't imagine doing the harder versions.