No wonder it took 2 years to make this game, Hopefuly we will see more from sony like this in the near future.
I'll say it plain and simple.
You have to Play this game! Its awesome, its short in gamplay, but huge in gameplay.
The game is basicly 16 boss battles and is really fun. I think if the game wasn't so damn Beautiful it wouldn't be that fun, but it is.
Try to play through the game without any outside help, its makes you feel like a true killer of giants. But if you get stuck use the gamespot game guide.
This is the best game I've ever played on the PS2 since Grand Theft Auto. I'm not gonna spoil the ending for you, but when you finish the game watch all the credits cause there is 2 gameplay sequences in them.
After you beat the game, wait a few days and do it on Hard Mode, thats when the real fun begins.
I hope whoever thought this one up make another.
Thats my 2 cents thank you for your time.