Patience and a Taste for art are needed to truly enjoy this game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2

Playing Shadow of the Colossus isn't too difficult but the horse riding and camera angles can get irritating. The gameplay is also somewhat repetitive but defintely not bad.


The graphics are great, one of the few games I know where the in-game graphics are as good, if not better than the cut scenes.


The music works well with the game and is beautifully orchestrated. Sound effects are good and the voice acting (if you can call it that) is also good.


Shadow of the Colossus is incredibly original and has enough content to keep you coming back for a very long time... that is if you have the patience.


-Completely original game, unlike anything you've seen.
-Graphics are beautiful.
-You really get the feeling of being just a small person in a massive world.
-Fighting such massive creatures single-handedly is exciting and fun.


-Riding a horse across miles and miles of uninhabited land gets pretty boring, pretty quickly.
-Horse riding and camera could be improved.
-Personally, I would have liked to have seen a lot more plot, although I respect the style of the game.

Bottom Line:
If you have very little or no patience and iittle appreciation for uniqueness and art then definitely steer clear of Shadow of the Colossus. If you enjoy an epic, completely original game or are looking for something new then pick this up.

My Thoughts:

Although I can see they were trying to make something completely unique and stuck to a very original style I would have liked to see a better plot and maybe more puzzles or other obstacles to make the long horse rides more bearable.