Epic = Shadow of the Colossus
I have never felt such a stir of emotion while playing a game, as I did while playing Shadow of the Colossus. Finding the perfect game is like putting together a puzzle, and all of the pieces are here. The GRAPHICS of Shadow are amazing, especially on the massive icons of the came, the Colossi. The visuals should be familiar to anyone who played ICO. The SOUND of Shadow is amazing. From the sound of colossal footsteps, to the moving and intense score, It is a treat for the ears. The CONTROLS are fairly tight, although the camera gets frustrating once in while. The STORY is truly epic, spanning a huge lush world full of beautiful sights. If this game does not stir your heart in some way, then you are just as cold as a slain Colossi. Shadow of the Colossus is a must buy for any gamer.