A gaming experience like no other. Shadow of the Colossus is must have for all PS gamers.

User Rating: 9.1 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Puzzle platformers are quite common but none come close to Shadow of the Colossus. Visualy outstanding, this work of art challenges gamers to broaden their imaginations to new heights. The premise is quite simple for everyone to comprehend: Rescue the princess from certain death by destroying colosai which are plaguing the land. Most games will have you climb, run, fall, crawl jump and swim to reach a boss where as this game makes you do all of the above and more to defeat the boss' itself. The world of Shadow of the Colossus is gigantic (sounds repetative don't it?) to say the least. It is your charge as the player to hunt down each of the colosai with your faithful steed and unique blade. No random encounters are placed to bog down your mission. Each boss has a weakness which players must find and exploit and this is where the core of the gameplay comes in. All in all, this game is fantastic. Minor gripes I have with this game would be that it was a little in the short side with regards to time consumption and that certain camera angles were a little compremising. I'm looking forward to the next installment from SCEI.