just downright incredible, also one of the best games ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
when i first played this game at best buy, i said "hey, what an awesome game, we better buy this!", and we eventually did, and guess what, this game is incredible!

the gameplay is, well, awe inspiring, the graphics are revolutionary, the sound is excellent, pretty much the whole game is great!

i would for sure give the graphics a ten, because they're one of the nicest looking graphics i have ever seen, and i am in love with the gameplay in this game.

this game makes me feel like i'm in the adventure itself, and the game is also nothing but a great game, and one heck of an adventure.

i would definitley recommend this game, and i hope other people enjoy this game almost as much as i do.

last words, this game is awesome.