One of the best games i think i have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Ok first off the horse, this is the first time i have seen a horse so well animated on now an older console, Oblivion couldnt even pull off the horse animation correctly but this got it down to a tea. So nice one to the designers for that, now for the game.

The first cutscene shows you a boy on the back of a horse moving along a rocky path through the mountains and to a large structure in the center of a large empty space. You soon find out that you are trying to save a girl that you have brought to the temple with you.

A voice will speak to you from above, God? im not sure, but it comes down to he wants you to kill collosus, so originally in my head i had already imaged these things as being big brutish beasts that were going to go out there way to kill me.

Once you get on your horse and get outisde you can use your sword when you are out in the light to find the collosus your looking for, well when i got close i knew instantly this thing was a hell of alot bigger than i thought it was and that was from just hearing its footsteps, so sword drawn i made my way up the rocky cliff side up to see this massive and when i say massive beleive me i mean it, i see this thing and instantly go into a slight defensive mode because i beleive its going to attack me, well i was shocked to find it was gentle, and had a vague resemblance to a teddy bear. But i shrugged this feeling off and ran towards this thing and began to scale it finding its weak spot and stabbing the hell into it.

You would not beleive how bad you will feel from doing this, all of a sudden the game goes into slow motion and you see it go limp as it crashes onto the ground and all i could think was, why did i kill that? it wasn't agressive in the slightest until i started stabbing it of course.

There were only maybe two or three i felt bad for actually killing in the entire game, the one in the arena area i couldnt be happier when it was dead. But the best part of your victories are going to feel hollow and maybe leave you feeling guilty.

But you get what the designers were aiming for, they created a game where an emotion was portraied through a game which i think is the first and only time i have seen/felt that in a game.

The lack of sound makes the area you are in feel even larger, its such an amazing place to just explore and again the horse looks brilliant and so does the character graphically and how he moves aswell. It's just amazing.