Marvelous... and humorous: a hobbledehoy against 16 brobdingnagian behemoths!!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Who knew that an androgynous hobbledehoy could, so deftly, defeat sixteen behemoths? The agonist certainly can, and does, destroy these mythical giants in order to save Mono (name of the sleeping beauty). The plotline involves a love bond and a necessity for a resurrection of the hibernating girl, who sleeps for the predominating portion of the game. It is possible to revive a person, although at a great cost – colossi termination in this case. Wander, which is the protagonists name and a remnant of the erstwhile title, is equipped with a bow and a sword, one that extricates you from unfamiliar regions (providing that there is light) and reveals the colossi’s vital point/s. The map will also guide you, though it is not that easy to demystify initially. The vast environment will allow our protagonist, Wander, to explore and be mesmerized. Fortunately this large and beautiful terrain is traversed through with the boy’s mount, Agro. The horse does not only provide the transport but some light entertainment as well – one could remain standing on the steed while the horse is gracefully galloping. Yes, this steed is indeed graceful, in all aspects: aesthetic, movement-wise (galloping, working trot, medium trot, collected trot etc.), and in respect to sound, etcetera, excluding Agro’s unexpected death mislead. In respect to the colossi – they are mostly lethargic, conspicuously puissant and indubitably potent. Each giant requires a rational strategy, which leads the player to the monster’s most obvious weak point (region/s on the colossus, which, by adeptly stabbing with the sword/ dexterously shooting with the bow, decrease the behemoth’s overall health or, simply, weaken It), to a more inconspicuous area until all vital points are covered. Most colossi posses two vital points. There is a diversified selection of mythical giants ranging from flying colossi, water colossi, bipeds, quadrupeds and a structural colossus (the final boss). Even with such a great variety of juggernauts, the game needs, perhaps, a negligible amount of other puzzles, as to make it similar to ICO, even though monotony is not a valid trait of the game.
The simple controls and limited weapon selection will guarantee a highly addictive and enjoyable game that requires more thinking than executing (actions).