Well worth a try!

User Rating: 6.8 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Hey guy's the Monkey is back, and let me tell you i just got finished playing "Shadow of the Colossus" for the PS2. Let us get down to it, this game starts off with a guy bringing his already dead love to a secluded temple via horseback. He meets a higher power which tells him that if he systematically hunts and kills the sixteen colossi that roam the land surrounding the temple, this higher power will restore the woman's life.

Well the valiant hero of course chooses to head out with his trusty steed and take on each of the sixteen colossi. As for game play I believe it is ok at best. The hero, dubbed the Wanderer, plays alright considering that sometimes he will jump and forget to grab onto a ledge causing you to fall to your doom, and you will get sick of seeing your hero jump like a fruit instead of mounting his horse like you want him to. Espeacially when you are in the battles where you have to use the horse. The controls are not that responsive and at some points you will get frustrated.
The battles with the colossi can get pretty repetitive, it is basically climb on the furry spots and hack away at the glowing emblems that appear while you wield your sword. Though I should mention that some colossi do mix it up and give you some challenge. Although all the colossi do pose a great challenge, they do seem a bit similar. Oh . . . I should talk about the fool horse you are given. Agro, or eggroll as I like to call him, is about as crazy as it gets. He is kinda hard to steer and if not guided just right while in a colossi fight will run you straight into a rock. at least for that one fight the game makers should have given the dang horse a smarter AI system (you will know which fight i am talking about).

Let me see what else. . . graphics, I have to say that the graphics in this game are very realistic. Although the main character and all the humans look flat faced, everything else is wonderfully animated and incredible to see. Our hero runs like a goob if not wielding a weapon, like a gimp if you wield a sword, as for how he runs with his bow I don't know i didn't spend that much time running with the bow. The horse is about as realistic as it gets. The horse runs very life like even if it's controls aren't that great, it also falls and runs into rocks very lifelike (or at least it looks life like, i have never ridden one).
As for the sound, the colossi sound great and there is fabulous voice acting in the rare cutscenes, but I should warn you that it is in a language that no one can understand because it was made up just for this game. You do get subtitles that at times get hard to read because of the orientation. Next I should say that the cutscenes are Predictable; I was able to figure out the ending (except for a few minor details) after the third or fourth colossi I killed. With that said I was not satisfied with the ending. the fighting with the colossi, even though the battles were tough, they were pretty fun. with a few exceptions. I enjoyed the game but the story was pretty disapointing.
Ok I can say that if you are fond of fighting gigantic creatures without really careing about the story, Buy this game. It has replayability for you. If you really like story I say rent this game. Why? Because even though the story wasn't great, the colossi fights are more than enough to play this game. I beat it in under ten hours, so you have more than enough time in one renting period to battle every one of these colossi, and have fun with it. once you are finished you can make a judgement as to whether you want to play it, If you do by all means buy the game.
It is pretty good,
"So says the monkey!"