This game is phenominal!!! This game just proves that a game doesn't need a comercial to be a good game!!!

User Rating: 9.1 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
This game may seem short for being consisted of just 16 boss battles but that actually turns out to be pretty long it took me 19 hours! This Battles are unique because most of these bosses are 1000x plus your size and it in volves you having to stay on to the colossi and striking it with your sword and it may involve you having to hang on in mid air or underwater!

The Graphics are one of a kind especially with its landscapes and Colossi design and plus there are other things to battling like just riding your horse and watching the life like movement.

The story is about a warrior(Wander) who's undying love for a woman who suddenly dies takes to extreme heights........Literaly!!!! As he battles Colossi after colossi his only company is a horse named Agro!!! He hopes to kill all the Colossi and bring the woman he loves back to life.

The gameplay is simple giant fighting fun! There are also other animals to ride besides Agro like lizzards, eels, turtles and even hawks!!! I highly recommend this game as well as all the others. But be careful when fighting thos colossi ok!