Anybody with a taste of adventure will absolutely love this game

User Rating: 8.9 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
If you've played the game ICO you will probably like this game a lot more or a little less. This whole game is based on you killing 16 huge giants, no grunt enemies, no weapon upgrades...nothing. Its just you, your sword, and bow.

Gameplay - 9/10

the controls may feel weird for about 30 minutes, but you get used to them as you go along.

Graphics - 10/10

some of the scenery in this game is just straight put amazing, although when a lot stuff is happening in the game the frame rate slows down, although i dont think its a very big issue. The colossi are designed very well, and shake the earth with ever step they take.

Value - 9/10

this would make a great addition to any adventure fans collection.

so in my opinion, i think this game deserves an 8.9 just because its such an awesome game in almost every way. There are a few glitches in the game as well, but you will probably only enounter one probably once.