shadow of the colossus, its all about the bosses.

User Rating: 9.1 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
This game took only about 3 days to beat and i'm not much of a gamer.

There really isn't any story but that isn't a reason for anyone not to play this game. it is purely awesome and deserves much better recognition than it's given. First, as you may already know, you have to hunt down 16 colossi and destroy them. i'm not much of a gamer so i had to go on to look up how to kill each GIGANTIC beast and even after i knew, the kill was still totally awesome.

The colossi are each totally different from eachother, some are so slow, some are really fast and some shoot things at you. some are on land and some are in the water and some are in the air above the water. its a given that the most frustrating battles are the ones which take place near or around water. it takes an extruciatingly long time for the main character to swim and thus, it may get a little frustrating.

In other reviews, the frame rate has been bashed on for being way too small for such a huge game. well, thats why the game "blurs" things a bit. I think it adds a much needed dramatic effect to the whole game. when a gigantic colossus stomps right next to you and you're thrown around like a puppet, the blur effect just adds to the grandure of the whole thing. It makes the colossi seem more solid. plus, the graphics are near to the best i've seen in a while.

The musical score is really something. i usually don't notice music (except on final fantasy games), but this was...SOMETHING! i mean, when you get close to a colossus, the music is swells dramatically and gets a lot more intense. for some battles, it greatly adds to the excitement. when a gigantic centapede monster is headed toward you while shooting huge clouds of poison, you need some seriously intense music to get you moving a bit more faster.

The horse is supposed to be your friend but i just don't see that happening, after about 10 colossi beat, i just stopped riding him. Granted, he does has some AI but you would expect a horse to be a little smarter than that. i mean, he veres into walls and stops, then to start him back up again, its just too much to handle. i hated my horse and wanted to shoot him. i think its was the horrible horse controls that took away from what could have been an awsome gameplay score.

All in all, i would say this is an awesome game despite the fact that the horse-back riding was not at all fun but the game is definitely still buyable.