What's with all the perfect scores?
User Rating: 2 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Shadow of the colossus. A game that I'd continuously read as "hauntingly beautiful" and "revolutionary". Let me start off by saying, these kind of games are usually right up my alley. I love the Zelda games, final fantasy, Okami, you name it. This game, however, was absolutely terrible. I mean, truly awful. I can't fathom how it was received so well. I mean... you do the exact same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... Tired of reading that phrase? Yeah, thats how I felt playing the game. Your a hero in a world with absolutely nothing, fighting colossi for no apparent reason... yeah i'm totally motivated to continue putting up with the horrible camera and gameplay for this riveting story.... Oh yeah, the camera is horrible too. The rare times when it actually has you on the screen, the controls are just as bad. Controlling the horse... are you kidding me? They literally sat down and thought "well how can we make this horse impossible to steer? oh, and we better not forget to make him come to a halt at anything bigger than a blade of grass" C'mon. Alright, finally you've managed to steer the horse to the grounds of a colossus. Better not get stomped on twice or else i'm dead.... but at the same time i gotta use my sword to locate it's weak spots... why won't the camera point at the colossus!? Too late... stomped. And when you make it through that first colossus guess what's in store? You start back in the same spot and go and face another one. Sure they are shaped differently, but you do the exact same thing.
I honestly was incredibly excited for this game when i bought the Ico and sotc collection.... but it's absolutely horrible. I've honestly never found myself this frustrated with a game before. Bored, sure. but never felt a hatred towards it
I gave it a two because the graphics were cool.