Grand Adventure
The main objective is to journey across the land and kill collossi. There are 16 in all and this fleshes out the playing time making it a good long playthrough.
The only problems are that there is alot of wasted oppourtunity in the land which has been created here. Alot of the time youll be using your horse to sprint through, what feels like, miles and miles of open land. This, even with its beauty, can get pretty boring at times. Also the main hero has a slash attack. Now this seems normal except, there is nothing to use it against apart from one or two collossi. Most of the time you are just stabbing the collossi which makes this slash attack feel unnecesary.
However this doesent distract you from experiencing the greatness of the game. Every collossi has one or more weakspots which you have to exploit.
First you have to find these weakspots by shining light from your sword all over the collossi and stopping were the light is brightest. Then you have to somehow get to it (easier then it sounds). The ingenious design of each collossi's weakpoint means gamers may have a good time experimenting on different ways to try and get to them (even though there is usually only one way). Some clossi are harder then others and more intense too.
Each battle will leave the you breathless the first time you play it and intrigued in seeing what the next monster will look like.
The story is confusing. Im not sure it has any ties with Ico as I have not played Ico. However even if you dont understand quite whats going on youll still manage to appreciate it. Shadow Of The Colossus has a certain amount of replay value. Hard mode makes for more longer battles and time attack mode allows you to fight collosi without having to travel to them.
In all Shadow Of The Colossus is a game you must play at least once in your life. Next time you see it at your local game shop reach for your wallet and give it a go.