An terrific game spoiled by horrendous controls.
Unfortunately the game was hampered by some serious flaws. First of all, the game was short, and has little replay value (I've read some people who think otherwise but I don't agree since the additional modes are essentially just the same thing repeated). This is forgivable, because while it lasts, the game does a lot of neat things and is fun for the most part. The game's second flaw however, is not as easy to forgive. The controls are extremely non-responsive and this, combined with difficult to control camera angles, makes the game very frustrating at times. Climbing and jumping is a big part of this game, and the controls for these actions are awkward at best. The horse is also difficult to use unless you're heading in a straight line. I found myself repeatedly ditching the horse and proceeding on foot until he is able to circumvent what ever small obstacle (i.e. a hill or small rock) is in his path and catches up to me. This really breaks up the flow of the game.
The landscapes in the world of SotC are beautiful and I often found myself wanting to stop, just to look around me. Unfortunately, it's often hard to get a good view because of lame camera controls. For example, If there is a wall behind you it is pretty much impossible to look forwards. Wasn't this problem solved in 3D video games during the N64/playstation era?
Overall, I liked SotC but I was left wishing I could have liked it more. It seems as though the developers focused too much on presentation and not enough on the gameplay. I loved the originality and atmosphere in SotC and I really hope that next time they get it right.