This game, is like no others. I've read some reviews that say its repetitive, and it is, in a good way. Each monster is different in size, shape and technique. There is no two monsters that have the same strategy for defeating. The extras are good too. Like how you can fight the colossi again by praying by their ruins. It opens up a lot of doors. Like how there's no regular hack and slash enemies along the road to each monster. The graphics are good too. The gameplay is sound. The ending is perplexing. All- around, great friking game! They say this review has to be 100 words so sit back and watch me type random things. pie like me shoot frik okay fkdjfkls djrfkl dsmvodo fjsdkofnls dnclsdmcvk djvndlf jklsd mcvlkd nvlsda jvlsdn lfjdsklfjdkl sjfidsj fiodsjfi dsjfds jfisdilf sorry. Just trying to get the revew long enough
The story of Shadow of the Colossus is a fairly simple one: You must bring down 16 giants so that you can revive the woman you love. The concept of the game is also simple. There are no lesser minions to battle through a... Read Full Review
I am gonna start off saying that after seeing this game at E3 got me amazingly excited. I was a tad worried if the game play would get boring after awhile doing what would have seemed the same thing 16 times and that it.... Read Full Review