This game is awesome!! The experience it delivers is unlike any other in all of gaming! A must play!
High points: The gorgeous graphics set the mood of the game very well. The colossi look like living mountains, which helps add to their particularly interesting quality, and the environments are stunning. In addition, the gameplay is amazing, and the colossi themselves are walking, thrashing, crush-you-into-powder-if-you-let-them puzzles. I say this because in during the course of defeating these beasts, you are required to discover how to exploit their techniques or weaknesses to your advantage. Though the first few are admittedly easy to decipher, some of the later colossi really twist your brain and force you to really think in order to take them down. Though this may not appeal to some gamers, one's who enjoy a sense of accomplishment through "outsmarting" the colossi or solving the tougher puzzles and getting your trophy kill make this game as much fun as it is challenging. Also, the musicis a very big plus in this game. The music swells in intensity as the action heats up, and fits with the action very well. Finally, the story is very good. Though it is not expounded upon much outside the initial cutscene and the ending one, the overall mystique of the game and its unique flavor make you want to see the game through to the final cutscene in order to see how the story plays out. Questions such as "Who is the girl you are trying so desperatly to save?" and "Is Dormin (the entity commanding you to kill the colossi in the first place) capable, or trustworthy enough to fulfill your request?" all make the game that much more exciting till the very end.
Low points: The games length is Very Short. Most of your time will be spend either traversing the landscape, which, while beautiful, can become tedious, and trying to discover how to defeat the harder colossi, which canbe frustrating if you have tried everythin you can think of and are still unable to defeat the beast. Also, once you have beaten the game, their is little reason to come back. the game offers a Hard mode, but once you know how to defeat the colossi, this is not much of a greater challenge.
Conclusion: This game is incredible. The fights are amazing, and the action is gripping. The size of the colossi is unreal, and the intensity of the battles is unmatched in almost all of gaming. however, the game is short and once you know how to defeat the colossi, the game becomes even shorter than before. However, even after you know how to beat the monsters, you will still probably want to have this game around in your library so that you can play it every few months. A must rent AT LEAST, and a very strong suggestion as an inclusion to any gamers library. Extremely impressive.