Shadow of the Tomb Raider fails to innovate, but even playing safe can be competent.

User Rating: 8 | Shadow of the Tomb Raider PC

after three years we will finally have the continuation of Rise of The Tomb Raider that promises to 'close' the original trilogy of Lara Croft and show Lara that we know, but will the game do that? when Shadow of the Tomb Raider was announced, I was very happy, but while new video was released but I was dismayed by the game, because technically it seemed that the game had gotten worse over Rise of the Tomb Raider, but still I waited the launch, there left the reviews of the game, it was not bad the notes, but it was well below the predecessors, but finally I got the game and I can say that it is better than some people are talking, but still had the potential of to be better, first visually speaking the game is rather better than Rise of the Tomb Raider, but Rise of the Tomb Raider impressed much more in 2015 than the Shadow of the Tomb Raider impressed in 2018, first that we already had this year games like God of War that is technically impeccable and managed to impress much, already in 2015 Rise of the Tomb Raider even with games like The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Metal Gear Solid V, he was able to stand out, so what I qu But to say that Shadow of the Tomb Raider is very beautiful, but does not come as surprising as Rise surprised in 2015. Shadow of the Tomb Raider also sins very much in the facial expressions, Lara Croft sometimes is very strange while speaking, sometimes the impression that the helpers were better worked than she, such as Jonah, particularly this bothered me a bit, especially because Rise has more realistic expressions, and still speaks of negative points I have that speaks of gameplay, does not innovate in absolutely nothing at all, Tomb Raider Reboot and the Rise of the Tomb Raider innovated bringing new things, while in Shadow of the Tomb Raider the only thing I saw again was the one that now can hide on the walls after Lara passes mud in the body, and this is cool, but not enough to say that the game has had new things, another problem is the Artificial Intelligence of the enemies, they are very dumb and this ends up facilitating a lot, now a thing that a lot I do not think it's a good game, but I do not think it's going to be a good game. game has a lot of action yet, but the exploration has increased with a very large map to explore, and you find some treasures and of course the tombs which is the great highlight of the game, it is fun and does not get tiresome, and if you do increase the difficulty they are even more interesting to explore, another positive point is that now the secondary characters are better developed, Jonah has a lot of emphasis in the game, not to mention other characters, the ambietation is great and with several scenarios, the story of the game is interesting and uses a lot of religion too, with very good puzzles too and even though not difficult, needs reasoning. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is inferior to its predecessors and can not make Lara Croft turn Lara we know as expected, but still it is very good, and even playing safe it can be a lot of fun and that is a fan of the franchise You will certainly like the game. Note 87