Worth ONLY $20 and ONLY on Xbox
Basically what im trying to say is that it is exactly worth $20, if not less (if you find it used at Gamestop/EB).
You are Shadow the Hedgehog, a confused individual trying to find his out about his past after a strike of amnesia seen in Sonic Heroes.
Gameplay is rough on the PS2 and GC versions, but for some reason i personally find it better to control on an Xbox controller. I don't know why that is because i've heard they all play similarly, but i feel it better on the Xbox. The Xbox version is also the smoothest out of the 3. I saw no lagging in the Xbox version, contrary to the constant lagging i experienced on the PS2 version, and it is just a step up from the GC version. The levels are really simple, and have many pits which i didn't like, but got used to due to Sonic Heroes. A miss on your Homing attack and it could lead you off the highway or a cliff, depending what level youre playing in.
A lot of people dont like dying that easily, and i dont blame why this game got such a low score. But, if you are a hardcore Sonic fan like me, youll play it, youll get over it, and youll know a bit more about Shadow in the process.
The games difficulty varies. Some levels are too easy, and some levels are frustratingly hard, especially if you want to take a specific path. Such as Black Doom, Eggman, Military, or your Sonic friends.
Itll will not take you long to learn the controls if you've played other Sonic 3D games. If you haven't? Then i guess itll take you close to an hour to find about all the tricks and hit them precisely, but youre lucky cus there are a lot of help icons in the first level, to get you that idea.
All in all, this aint the greatest game in the world, it couldve been a lot better, ive played all console versions and the Xbox is the ONLY way you can truly enjoy Shadow the Hedgehog, in my opinion.
Its finally budget priced, so if you are like me and waited for a very significant price drop for the game, go ahead and get it. You'll be glad you waited, and youll be glad to pick it up if you want to get into the story.