Wanna be disaponted? Buy this game!
User Rating: 3.2 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
Wow. Sonic team took a good idea and made it into one of the biggest piles of Crap ever made in video game history! Remember the good times when a second grade sonic character Wasnt the main character? thoose where good times!anyways shadow fai9ls at every thing it was ment to do!Like shooting. It dosnt get much crappyer than just shooting untill you hit somthing!repeative missions and even though theres 130(or something like that) missions it dosnt give me a reson to play all of them.
Graphics:6 just like any other sonic game
Gameplay:4 This game is no fun
Sound:5 besides my constant screaming it sucked
Value:2 If you bought this for any money amont you got ripped off