Shadow The Hedgehog is a good game but it's missing alot of things

User Rating: 7.3 | Shadow the Hedgehog XBOX
The good: Fun classical game play.The new guns are pretty cool.Some missions can be huge.Music songs are very cool.shadows story is cool at times The bad.Some glitches can realy effect game play.some parts of the game can be very lame at times.Camara veiw can be very annoying at times.No taget lock.The playstation 2 version suffers from a tirrible frame-rate

this was cool when i watched the trailer but i also exspected it to be bad but i didien't know realy what it would suck but it was fun for the first few levels but there was some visals in the game that couldove been better and there are a few glitches and the fact that it wasent until the 2nd level i found about the Normal Dark And Hero and the game is fun and the last level seems like a copy of final rush from Sonic Adventure 2 and the guns are pretty cool but only one gun has traget lokc and it's only in one level and this game was 1 week to finsish it was pretty cool but don't start you sonic games on this titile